Champion of the Crypt - Post Mortem - WGJ52

This was a fun game to make and I was really excited throughout the whole week.  

Things I did different:

1. Sound and visual fx can make a big difference.  The first boss in the game used to just be the sword art overlapping the boss art. After I added the sound effect and the shimmer effect the whole experience of hitting the boss felt so much stronger.  I continued throughout the game adding shimmer effects and different sound effects to make those hits a bit more powerful.

2. Found out the importance of always using  "1 * Time.deltaTime" for any sort of timer in unity. Putting "int++" in update causes it to increase every frame and on lower qualities it made the first couple of bosses use their attacks an an almost impossible to win speed.

3. I made Hard Mode from the idea that I need to be able to beat the game without taking damage and without using any upgrades for it to be playable by everyone. I created easy mode when I felt that the game might be too hard and I wanted the game to be finished by everyone.

4. I was really happy with the music fade from normal to the boss music to the after boss music.  I made 3 different tracks and had them all playing at the same time with only 1 at a time being heard. This allowed me to set when the volume was supposed to be changed during the game.

Overall I am really happy with my experience and I am glad that I learned what I did this time around.


Champion of the Crypt (windows).zip 48 MB
Jul 12, 2018
Champion of the Crypt (mac).zip 17 MB
Jul 12, 2018

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